Curriculum Vitae

Myakushkin Dmitry
Scientific degree: candidate of psychological sciences Academicals Title: docent Position:
- Docent of the social psychology department of faculty of psychology at South Ural state University;
- head of consulting project group «Personnel - Counseling»;
- Founder of non-state educational establishment «Managers School of South Ural Board of Consultants».
General information:
I was born in 1962 in Chelyabinsk. After graduating in technical and psychological education, I held consistently technical and management positions in different organizations. I entered a teacher career in 1995 at the faculty of psychology in South Ural state University (psychologist, lecturer, senior lecturer and docent). In 1997 I set up a consulting company Limited Liability Company “South Ural Board of Consultants" in association with my partners, and at the later stage we set up a training center NEE «Managers School of South Ural Board of Consultants". I passed Ph.D. defense in academic board of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1999. The theme of my thesis is «Social–psychological aspects of the comprehensive personnel assessment in organization». From 1996 up to the present day I have carried out upward of 50 projects on manager assessment, formation of reserve group of managers and training of candidates for executive positions in several enterprises in different regions of Russian Federation. I’m an author of more than 30 works (articles, textbooks, monographs) on problems of assessment and human resources management.
Research interests: organizational, methodological and social-psychological aspects of personnel’s comprehensive assessment, assessment of managerial potential, formation and training of reserve group of managers.
Advanced training:
- Institute of advanced training for government personnel under the President of Russian Federation. Department of human resources management, Moscow. Advanced training: «Personnel management»;
- Institute of advanced training for government personnel under the President of Russian Federation. Department of human resources management, Moscow. Training of teachers of long-distance learning of the course « Personnel management».
- Institute of advanced training for government personnel under the President of Russian Federation. The center of personnel technologies – XXI century, Moscow. Advanced training: «Assessment center as technology of organizational reassignment».
- Institute of advanced training for government personnel under the President of Russian Federation. The center of personnel technologies – XXI century, Moscow. Advanced training: «Human resources management» (authors course of Bazarov T. Iu.).
- "Pavloutsky and Partners ", Moscow. Advanced training: "Personnel policy of organization” (authors course of Pavloutsky A.V.).
- Center of practical psychology, Moscow. Advanced training: «Advanced methods of modern psychotherapy».
- Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies, Moscow. Advanced training: «The selected issues of psychotherapy».
- The Harmony Institute for Psychotherapy and Counseling, Saint-Petersburg. Training program in counseling and in foundations of psychotherapy (Integrative approach within the framework of existential and humanistic directions).
- Coach Institute, Saint-Petersburg. Specialization: «The coaching in management and counseling».
- South Ural state University, Chelyabinsk. Advanced training: «Technology and training method of electronic education and methodic resources».
Professional experience as lecturer in higher education institutions:
- South Ural state University. Department of applied psychology. Department of social psychology.
- Ural Academy of Public Administration (the Chelyabinsk branch). Department of management high technology.
Courses taught:
- Basics of the theory of organization;
- Personnel management;
- Recruitment and personnel selection;
- Management counseling;
- Psychology of managing and subordination.
Managerial and psychological counseling, coaching.english